I worked all my life for all of you and this is what I get?
I thought it was forever but you cheated!
Your child was not going to school but squandering your hard-earned money. On DRUGS?
I’m going to be a grandfather and I don’t know it! I got a TOKHANG call invitation?
We are controlling our usage and …
The Electric / Phone Bill is this???
You name it.
Surprises are just part and parcel of the daily smile and the daily grind for others. Our psyche seems to be programmed to cancel the negative. We always long to be on the positive side of vibes that it seems it is a crime to be in the blues. To give love help lend without expecting anything in return is more of an aspiration than an experience. Can’t help it but I’d be a hypocrite if to say I didn’t wish that those people whom I helped before even when I myself needed help would be around these trying times. They don’t need to say a word. Just sit here beside me.
Next time you remember a candidate’s platform turn into a politician’s certified failed promise, blink again, you might have been taken for a ride. Let us take things as they come and go. And NEVER be attached.
In the book of Genesis 40 a baker and a butler dreamed. Both were interpreted by Joseph and both came to pass. In 3 Days the butler got restored to his position and the baker was hanged. In verse 14 Joseph said “please remember me and do me a favor when things go well for you. Mention me to Pharaoh so he may let me out of this place.”
Now look at this: in verse in 23 Pharaoh’s chief cup bearer, however forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought. This is a classic example of Expectation = Frustration. Another 2 years prison time for our hero. He could have vegetated and drown in self pity and discouragement but he chose the other path.
Praise GOD we have the power to choose faith in GOD that all things will turn out for the good. For HE is true and Faithful. Being said it gives birth to hope and causes us to love. Love GOD Others ourselves and the circumstances involved. When we operate in this frequency, we cannot be offended we cannot lose our cool because we are living above the world. Just like a blissed – out yogi.
Please look at the first 6 lines above. If you want to do good don’t expect a reward JUST DO IT FOR THE SAVIOR’S SAKE. Cast your bread upon the waters for you shall find it after many days. Ecclesiastes 11:1
If it happens that you expect and ended frustrated just remember
Never get angry unless someone pays you to do it.